2009年6月25日 星期四

SCREAM Lab ESL tools to be Open Sources


Since SCREAM OpenESL will be announced this month, I decide to have a new blog for the open sources developed at SCREAM Lab. For such information, please go to :


Other SCREAM lab related information can be found at:


I would expect that new SLIM will be released soon.


For some reasons, I decide that we will make our ESL tools open. They include our past efforts on Eclipse based SystemC IDE with GUI, Matlab/Simulink Co-simulation, FPGA Co-simulation, and all other heterogeneous mixed-level tools.

Before the 0.1 version is announced, there are some features to be added.

1. TLM 2.0 compatible interfaces.

This includes Buses and interfaces to heterogeneous tools. This will be taken care of by Buffett, ruru, and Garystone.

2. Matlab/Simulink and FPGA related examples and codegen and change of communication models from socket to shared memory.

This will be taken care of by Buffett and DNA.

3. Profiling tools and its visualization

This will be taken care of by ruru and Garystone.

4. Integration of GtkWave and Icarus (or Modelsim)

This will be taken care of by long, Buffett and Garystone.

5. User menu, technical menu, powerpoint and book.

This will be taken care of by Garystone, ruru, long and Alvin.

Let me know if I miss anything and there is something wrong.

Let me toss some options that should be done after the first version is released

1. Debugger under Eclipse

2. 8051 and DSP16 utilities

Last night, I felt so relieved and free that I made everything clear. There is no need to make 700K NTD while losing our freedom to make the best ESL tools in the world. AND, it is open and free.

